Thursday, December 11, 2008


I actually posted in Livejournal the past couple of days, but forgot to post here.


Today's best moment...

Receiving an email from M.C. (another agent at my agent's agency - how's that for repetition?;) ) who wanted to thank me for sending the office a sampler pack of gourmet popcorn for a holiday gift. Super Agent Bill always shares the treats I send and, most always, some of the other agents call or email to thank me. It not only makes me like them all that much more - I've talked to just about every one in the office several times and they're awesome! - it makes me wonder how few authors thank their agents for their hard work, support, and experience.

Anyway, it was a nice email from a very nice man.

1 comment:

Krista Heiser said...

If I ever get published and land an agent, I hope I can remember to send them a holiday thank you. What a nice thing to do!